Specialists in Certified Small Business Valuations...
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Business Valuation & Appraisal
Certified Valuation Analysts (CVA)
Certified Valuation Analysts are certified by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) and must comply with all their principle-based Standards; General & Ethical Standards, Development Standards, & Reporting Standards. Each Analyst has gone through rigorous certification training and testing. In addition to using their professional judgment in any estimation of value, they must adhere to high standards of integrity, objectivity and professional competence.
Board of Advisors

President - CBA, CVA, Accounting, Finance, MIS

CPA, CVA Mitchell Group, founder
Associate Advisors

Consultant and Lecturer - Over the past thirteen years he has delivered over 900 seminars and lectures to over 40,000 people all across the United States, as well as Taiwan, Canada and England. He focuses on how to build value and achieve success.

Attorney at Law (J.D., M.P.A., L.L.M.-Taxation)

Michael Davidson is the President of BizEx, a Los Angeles Business Sales, Mergers & Acquisitions firm specializing in the sale of small and medium sized businesses.

MBA / Entrepreneur Consultant